Happy Birthday, Princess Welly-Bells!

My Dearest Baby Doll,
Happy 4th Birthday! Here's a glimpse of what life is like for you right now.
On Monday nights, we get together as a family for family night. We start by welcoming everyone, and then we each tell what is going on in our lives. You never fail to say the same thing...and we look forward to it. Your important business is this: "I love my Mommy and Daddy and my brothers. You are all my best friends."
We love you, too.
You love to help me cook and take care of baby Why-Why. You do NOT love to clean your room.
Today you told me that you love horses and zebras. This is a new development in your life. Daddy says all girls must love horses while growing up. Apparently it's part of being female.
You say that you love being with LOTS and LOTS of friends, but when LOTS and LOTS of friends are around, you tend to hide behind my legs.
You don't cry much. You are tough. Your determination will take you places one day.
You ADORE your brothers. Following your big 'brubber' around is your most frequent activity.
By the way, you don't say 'brubber' because you can't speak well. You accidentally came up with it when you said brother and bubs at the same time. And it stuck.
(We have lots of nicknames at our house.)
Thankfully, you have moved beyond your difficult two year old stage. You still have terribly feisty moments sometimes, but your heart has changed. Now you feel bad after giving me trouble, and you never fail to give loves and apologize afterward.
You love to snuggle. You always have.
Big loves to you today, my big girl.
Love, Mama

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