However, when I was asked to participate in the blog tour for Liberty Lee's Tail of Independence, I didn't want to say no. I'm always looking for fun ways to teach my kids about important subjects. The founding of the United States of America is a very important subject to me.
The story is both informative and interesting. It is written in rhyme. Rhyming can be tricky, especially when trying to pack it full of facts, but the author/illustrator team, Peter and Cheryl Barnes, do a surprisingly good job combining the two.
On the first page, we meet Liberty Lee. Then he jumps into his "tail":
"To begin, let's go back more than 400 years
To meet the first settlers--the first pioneers.
Across the Atlantic from England they came
To seek opportunity, fortune, and fame!"
He then goes to the 13 colonies, the Boston Tea Party, the Revolution, and the Declaration of Independence. It's a great overview for children who are learning about our history.
After the story, there are 7 pages called "The Tail End" that describe the events mentioned in the book in more detail.
Although I enjoyed the character Liberty Lee, I think the book might be a more effective learning tool without mixing fantasy and history. When the mouse mentioned his fictitious ancestors, it threw me off for a minute. Here's an example:
"There were carpenters, shopkeepers, sailors at sea,
And farmers--like my uncle, Hamilton Lee.
At planting tobacco, you'd find no one better--
He worked any farm that would pay him in cheddar!"
In contrast, I love the section about the Continental Congress writing the Declaration. Here's part of it:
"They debated, and then on the 4th of July,
In 1776, they said, "Aye!"--
They voted together, with great dedication,
For liberty, freedom, and starting a nation.
Fifty-six patriots signed right below
The powerful words they decided would show
That these United States would forever be
One nation, under God, independent and free!"
PS. Happy Birthday to our Country (this month) and to me (today). :)
Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts on this book for the tour.