Magyk by Angie Sage
From the moment I started this book, I knew I was going to get little else done. I love this fairytale fantasy story about a boy named Septimus Heap. Author Angie Sage in three books has created a world to rival that of Harry Potter. This book has all the wizarding fun without the darkness of the Hogwarts’ series.
In book 1, Silas Heap, ordinary wizard hurries along a path carefully carrying medicine for his new baby, who is dying. Silas hopes he is not too late, but stops when he hears the whimper of an infant hidden under a bush. A baby girl—He gathers her in his arms and takes her to his cottage. As he passes the midwife, he sees the bundle she is carrying and believes his son has died.
His son, the seventh son of a seventh son, has been kidnapped and taken to the Tower of Magic to be raised as an apprentice to the evil wizard Dom Daniel. Meanwhile, the Heaps take the baby girl with violet eyes into their hearts and home and raise her as a princess among six other boys. They name her Jenna. When the Queen is assassinated, Jenna discovers she is a lost princess and ruler. She must flee to the Marram Marshes.
Evil follows however, but Jenna will have the courage to become Queen and to also uncover the secrets that surround Septimus Heap.
The characters in these book use knowledge and cleverness to solve their problems. The author has created a magical world where characters seek to avoid darkness and violence. This book is humorous, poignant and a well told story that will delight all who pick it. This book is a good read for teens and adults. Long at 500 pages, there is enough action and pace to carry even the most reluctant reader into the world of Septimus Heap and his friends.
Posted by Leann Moody from the Provo City School District.
I've been enjoying this series on Audiobooks and am on the third now. They have a bit of the Harry Potter flavor, but are most distinctly their own stories. Much fun!