A couple of reviews elsewhere...


I'm going to start pointing you to other blogs when they review Clean Reads. If you are a blogger, and I don't mention your review on Clean Reads, it could be because a) I'm not sure if the book is Clean Read material (but you are welcome to tell me), b) I suddenly got more of a life off-line and didn't see your review, or c) I just don't like you. No just kidding. Most likely it is because of a.

I decided to do this because Swarm of Beasts reviewed The City of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau today. This is a book I've been meaning to review and haven't gotten to. So I'm being lazy and pointing you to Swarm of Beast's instead.

And I know The Child Lit Book Club recommended Uglies by Scott Westerfeld a while ago. I personally love the Uglies Series. I've been waiting for my brother to give my copy of Uglies back so I could write up a spectacular review. The fourth installment of the series is due out in October. Read them in this order: Uglies, Pretties, Specials, Extras.

I'll look around and see what else I find.

-Emily, Queen of Clean Reads :)

PS: A couple of generous authors have offered copies of their books for Book Giveaways! I believe they'll be signed copies. YAY! As soon as one arrives in the mail, I'll be posting a little contest (unless I decide to keep them...bwahahaha), so make sure to check back!

1 comment:

  1. ooh,those would be great contest prizes! :)

    I'll have to check out Uglies. There are just so many series in the kiddie lit category that I get a little overwhelmed and so many of them just seem to be mundane copy-cats of other popular ones.
