Stand for the Family
If you've followed Latter-day Homeschooling for a while, you know I'm a serious book-lover. What you probably don't know about me is that I am a rather mellow, laid back kind of person.
There are a few things, though, that I feel very passionate about. Family is one of them, and more specifically, defending the family, as explained in this book.
Stand for the Family has called me to action. Have you ever wondered what it means to 'stand/fight for the family'? I have. I had the desire to do it, but I didn't know how.
Stand for the Family clearly states how each one of us can fight for the institution of the family (and make a real difference!), as well as why it is important.
Speaking of important, there are several books that I consider Must-Reads (The Read-Aloud Handbook by Jim
I know. It sounds like I'm bearing my testimony or something. I guess I sort of am.
My husband and I went to hear Sharon Slater speak last week. Before the event, my husband was really dragging his feet. He didn't think he'd hear anything he hadn't heard before. She told a couple stories from the book and illustrated how even a full-time mom with fishy crackers in her purse can make a genuine difference...worldwide!
During her speech, I didn't know if my husband was interested or even listening.
When Sharon Slater closed her remarks, I headed to the back to purchase ten books. (Yes, 10!) As I started the transaction, my husband came up behind me and said, "Make it 20."
What is it about Stand for the Family that empowers two laid-back people to make a stand? Well, besides being a critical issue that we believe in, Sharon Slater shows over and over through research in her book, that it is best for society to preserve the family. It is well-written and well-documented.
Honestly, what else can I say? Please go read this book! And if you want to start standing for the family right now, check out the website Family Watch International and sign the petition at the bottom of the page.
For a breakdown of the chapters in Stand for the Family and to view the press release, click here.
Emily is passionate about books (especially this one). You can find more of her book reviews, as well as day-to-day ramblings at Homespun Light.
Hi Emily. This is Kristin from AMI. I am not sure if you remember meeting me at the last cottage meeting in Cedar Hills at Tara's house? I am a tall blonde and send out messages quite often on the AMI yahoo group...ring a bell? Anyway, I want to know your secret for reading so many books as a full time homeschooling mom of 3? I am a casual reader and full time mom of 2, but you read TONS. So how do you find the time?
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to let you know because of your post on Latter-day homeschooling blog I put a request in at our local library. I'm hoping they order it because it looks really interesting.
ReplyDeleteFirstly, I love your blog! I've found SO many good reads here!
ReplyDeleteSecond, I wanted to recommend a book series to you. It's 'Love Comes Softly' by Janette Oke. It's based on Prairie Days and SO GOOD!