Fall Leaves Project: Easy and Beautiful

I'm really proud of this project we did. Really. Ask My Bebe. It was so simple.

Step 1: Take a nature walk. Collect fall leaves of various shapes and colors. (Hint: To make this more educational, identify the trees as you go.)

Step 2: ASAP place the leaves face down onto clear contact paper. The leaves should all be about an inch apart.

Step 3: Cut out your leaves, leaving about a half inch of contact paper around each leaf.

Step 4: Place on window or other surface to beautify.
I have been thinking it would be fun to press some leaves for Thanksgiving. When the holiday gets closer, we could attach them to contact paper and stick them to the table. Wouldn't that be cute?
I think if I was going to attach them to a wall, I'd put contact paper on both sides of the leaf, leaving a longer edge on the side that needed to be sticky. Otherwise some of the color may seep onto the wall.


  1. I love love love this idea!!! We are definitely going to do this! :)
    Thank you for posting it.

  2. I did this last year and I loved it. But, the color drained out of the leaves pretty quickly. Let me know if yours do. Maybe I did something wrong.

  3. Found you via One Pretty Thing - this is an awesome idea!
