I'm grateful you came into our family first. You are wise beyond your years. You love to learn and devour information like you devour treats.
Even more than I appreciate your love of learning, I treasure your love of giving. Last fall, we went hiking with Grammy and Pappy. When Grammy asked if Pappy was warm enough, he answered that his hands were a bit cold. You, without a moment's hesitation, grabbed for your gloves to hand them to Pappy.
I love this story, because it is you in a nutshell. You are the first to give. You love to make everyone's beds. You love to make cards and just-because gifts for people. You love to make people happy. You see the needs of others and put them before your own.
You are becoming a great reader. Daddy and I giggle as we hear you reading street signs, boxes...everything you see. Welly can't wait to read as well as you.
I am honored to be a part of your learning process...but that is only part of why I am homeschooling you. I want to have you around as much as possible. I love having you home. You brighten up the place with your enormous smile.
I love you more than green mint-n-chip ice cream.
Love, Mama
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