Green Angel by Alice Hoffman

In the book Green Angel, by Alice Hoffman, Green plays the quiet, shy shrinking violet of her family. Her sister Aurora is beautiful and untamed. At night Green could awake to find the moths circling around Aurora's head. Preferring her glow to that of the lamp outside. Green's mother is beautiful as well, and her talents in the garden are unmatched. Her long black hair is the only trait that her and Green share. Her mother's garden skills were what taught Green to talk to the plants until they would grow for her. She could sit by the garden for extended periods of time, just to watch the seedlings grow. Greens father is strong and compassionate. He could whistle like any bird, and it would reply. This story is one of self-discovery. Of how Green finds the strength to confront her fears and take control of her life. After a tragedy that strikes Green's life with such ferocity leaves her in emotional shambles, she must find a way to recover from the loss, and live again.

Slowly Green loses all sense of preservation. She begins to tattoo herself with the ink of a pen and a safety pin. Green meets a set of characters that as though by miracle help her change her life and the way she treats herself.

Green Angel by Alice Hoffman is a must read. I loved this book and hope you do to.

Recommended Age Group: Young Adult

Review by Allana, regular contributor.


  1. Very Interesting Book:D

  2. green angel is my favorite book of all and i would read it over and over again

  3. I have read this book at least six times and everytime I read it I find something new. I absolutely love this book, It changed my opinion of reading. I would recomend this book to anyone!
