A Drowned Maiden's Hair by Laura Amy Schlitz is my latest GREAT find. I had read somewhere that it was a good one and wherever it was, they were right!! This is a great tale of an orphan that is adopted by three sisters. It all seems like a fine arrangement until Maud - the orphan - is told she must stay in the upstairs and not be seen. That strikes an odd chord and begins Maud on her search to find out what the sisters are up to. Maud ultimately becomes "part" of their secrets and must decide just how much she is willing to endure for the sake of being loved. It is a tale with many twists and turns - even the ending will keep you going!! I highly recommend this one!
This review was written and submitted by Becky Bilby of In the Pages fame.
A Drowned Maiden's Hair won the Cybil Award in the middle grade category.
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yeah this is a really good book. hhey I am doing a book talk on this book and I was wondering if you had any tips????? If you do that would be great. thanks