And once you've read them a few million times, start leaving words out at the ends of the lines. Let your little one try to fill in the rhymes.
Crane, Cement Mixer, and Dump Truck have worked and played all day at the construction site. Now they're tired, and getting ready to sleep in the soft dirt.
As they go to sleep, your little one will want to follow suit because of the contrast between the fun play and the soft sounds of night.
Wy is obsessed with dump trucks, so I'll share with you his favorite pages.
Dump Truck loves to work and haul.
He carries loads both big... and small,
He moves the dirt from place to place,
Then dumps it with a happy face.
One final load spills on the heap (crrrunch!);
Now Dump Truck's tired
And wants to sleep.
He lowers his bed, locks his gate,
Rests his wheels; it's getting late.
He dims his lights, then shuts his doors,
And soon his engine slows to snores.
Shh...goodnight, Dump Truck, goodnight.
Cute, huh? I knew it would be love at first sight for Wy...What I didn't know, is that I would love it, too.
We've had this book for a few months, and I think any member of the family could quote parts of it.
Little Blue Truck is happy-go-lucky and kind to everyone. The farm animals all say hello when he passes.
But when a big, dump truck comes along, speeding through town, feeling very self-important, the animals don't pay much attention.
Zooming around a corner, the Dump gets stuck in the mud. He calls for help, but the animals ignore him.
Along comes cheery Blue to save the day, but the job is too big for him alone. When Little Blue calls for help, all the animals come running.
There was one part of the rhyme that took me a couple tries to get, but the rest is flawless in its rhythm.
Little Blue Truck has definitely become a favorite around here (and not just with Wy-Wy.)
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