I love when a picture book interacts with young readers in a unique, creative way. This book definitely does that.
Young readers follow simple instructions on each page. Their actions result in changes in the dots. For example, it says to tap five times on the yellow dot, and then when you turn the page, five dots are there. When you shake the book to one side, all the dots fall that direction. When you blow the book, the dark background creeps away.
Press Here would be great for preschoolers and new readers who can manage words like 'finally' and 'straight'.
The pages of the book are sturdy, somewhere in between a board book and a normal picture book.
Along with a whole lot of fun, this book is great for young children learning to follow directions.
Jane Goodall is well-known for her work with animals, particularly chimpanzees...but what was she like as a child? In Me...Jane, you'll find simple text, enchanting artwork, and a small girl who loves her stuffed chimp, Jubilee.
Jane always loved nature. As she explored and studied books about nature, she had Jubilee to keep her company. He even came along when Jane hid in Grandma Nutt's chicken coop to find out where eggs came from.
This book is full of the wonder of childhood. The story doesn't give much information about Jane herself, but it shows her ever-growing love for the world around her and shows how she lived her dreams.
The end of the book has a biography about Jane Goodall and a note from her to the readers.
This book was a pleasant surprise for me. I enjoyed it much more than I expected I would.
What Rocket Town may lack in story, it makes up in uniquely eye-catching artwork. After all, most board-book chewers...I mean readers...can't sit through a whole lot of words anyway.
Little lovers of rockets and things that go will enjoy this fun little book about rockets, big and small, especially the countdown to blast off at the end!
Happy Reading.
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