Eat Ice Cream, Save a Baby

Here is Baby Zeke’s story as told by his father, Royal:
“Our youngest child, Ezekiel (or “Zeke”, seven weeks old) got sick recently and began showing symptoms late Sunday night. Sunday afternoon he was fine, smiley and all, but Sunday night he was pretty ill. Monday morning Jenn was worried and decided to take him to the doctor. Zeke’s condition had deteriorated all morning long but became exponentially worse in the doctor’s office. Dr. Johnson advised Jenn to take an Ambulance to Primary Children’s hospital in SLCabout an hour away. Dr. Johnson then got on the phone and began preparing Primary Children’s to receive Zeke. During this time Zeke’s breathing became very shallow and sporadic. Zeke turned white and his lips purple. This is when Dr. Johnson became panicked, he immediately took Zeke and put him on oxygen. He told Jenn Zeke wasn’t going to make it to Primary Children’s and that if they took the Ambulance that was just arriving to Utah Valley Hospital instead he would have a chance.(about 5 blocks up the road) They went to Utah Valley. Utah Valley is a good hospital but not equipped (with equipment or staff) to handle heart issues in children especially small infants. By an act of God the doctor/heart specialist at Utah Valley happened to be a Primary’s children’s infant heart specialist. (Through a series of events that is a story in itself the right doctor was there) Arriving at Utah Valley, Doctor Johnson updated the ER doctors of the situation and stayed while they tried to stabilize Zeke. They had to put him on a ventilator along with a number of other medications to get him stable. Once the immediate danger had passed they prepared Zeke to be life flighted from Utah Valley to Primary Children’s and also gave him an x-ray. Zeke’s heart was substantially enlarged and his lungs were full of fluid. Looking at the x-ray the heart specialist guessed a number of things (correctly) and put him on some meds to try and open his Ductus Arteriosus Zeke was then life flighted away. This was very difficult. We knew that Zeke was currently stable from the RSV butdidn’t have an accurate assessment of his heart condition. We had a best case and a worst case scenario."
{You can read the rest of their story and as well as make a donation here.}
If anything, PLEASE copy and paste this post on your blog! Every little bit helps! (I copied it from Our Dayley Happenings)
Jenn is a childhood friend of mine, and one of the sweetest people I know. Jenn and her husband, Royal, own Sub Zero Ice Cream at the Provo Towne Center. If you live in the Provo area, please consider going out for ice cream on Monday evening between 7 and 10 to help them with Zeke's bills. You can see more about this event on Facebook. I just had Sub Zero Ice Cream for the first time last week...and YUM!
See you there!
Thanks Emily, it was a great turn out. :)
ReplyDeleteOh good! I was worried because of the storm. My kids are sick so I didn't make it, but we're going to come down and get some ice cream as soon as everyone is well. We're praying for you!!!
ReplyDeleteWish I were in Provo! We'd have loved to have been there! Hugs to Jenn!
ReplyDeleteThe Robisons
Hello. Just found your blog. I wanted to let you know I will be adding baby Zeke to my prayers! I know alot about RSV and it seems I've been surrounded by critically ill infants recently within my own friends and family circle. My heart goes out to the Petersen family. Sending extra prayers for your friends little guy!