Matched by Ally Condie

Matched by Ally Condie

Society is in control of everything. And Cassia has always been okay with that. The officials choose what she'll eat, what she'll do in society, and who she'll marry.

When her best friend comes up as her match at her matching ceremony, she couldn't be happier. After all, the officials know who you are most likely to be happy and successful with.

Later, during some time alone, Cassia puts a chip into her computer that  will tell her more about her match.

And her whole world turns upside down.

A different boy's face appears on the screen. Is it possible that the officials make mistakes? Is her society less than perfect?

As she gets to know the other boy, she starts to wonder if he should be her match.

This is a dystopian novel about learning to make choices and falling in love.

Cassia is a great character, and her internal dialogue brings the reader into her story and into her head.

I can't wait to watch this series build!


  1. I've had my eye on this one for awhile, but didn't know how clean/unclean it was. Thanks for posting about it! :)

  2. Yep. This one is perfectly clean, so you can fully enjoy it!

  3. Another book to add to my never ending list ;) I'm putting it on hold at the library as soon as I pick up my other holds since I'm at my max. I can't wait until my dd is old enough for her own library card.

  4. Oh, so excited to get ahold of this one. By the by, I bought Secondhand Charm as per your rec too, but alas, it under the tree.
